Consultancy Services

Mobirise Website Builder
UX Design

User Experience is central to unlocking the value of data-driven tools. We have deep experience in analysing and optimising large-scale, multi-million user platforms to maximise the value for both the customer and the business. 

Read about how our work added double-digit revenue growth to Skyscanner through our redesign of their flight search.

Big Data UI Design

Very large datasets, or 'Big Data', are typically hard to visualize and interact with. Technical issues include delays whilst a dataset is queried. Usability issues include difficulty getting a big picture view whilst also being able to drill down into details.

Clients such as Skyscanner and the NHS trust us to design critical aspects of their core data platforms because we understand both the technical and the business constraints such as cost of queries. We have hard-won expertise in the principles and practice of how to effectively visualize data on multiple scales and depths, from simple infographics to dynamic big datasets with billions of values changing in realtime. 

Read about our Travel Search projects with Skyscanner >

Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder

Although often overused as a term, gamification encapsulates the conversion of a task carried out solely for an end goal into a task carried out for its own reward, usually tied to user-trackable metric to create an innate sense of progression.

Gamifying a process can have a powerful effect on user satisfaction, making previously dull and monotonous tasks enjoyable, or making difficult tasks easier by making progress and discovery visible and tangible.

Gamification can also provide a highly effective tool for education and training, allowing complex concepts to be experienced sensorially in a compelling environment.  

Complex systems can be visualised and understood through the implementation of what-if play mechanics in immersive simulation environments, allowing consequence-free exploration of risk and benefit.

Read about our gamification work for The James Hutton Institute >

Complex Tools Design

We specialise in the design of complex UIs such as creative tools, which present unique challenges in breadth and depth. Desktop creative tools are designed to enable authoring of rich, complex, and sometimes interactive, content such as video games. The authoring environment represents the interrelationship between multiple subsystems such as animation, scripting, graphic design and audio - each a toolset in itself. A successful design must weave together these disparate systems into a single unified experience whilst optimising the features unique to each system.

Read about our Gamemaker 2 redesign with Yoyo Games >

Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder
Spatial Data & GIS Consultancy

Geographical Information Services are key to most real world data projects, where spatial entities and their properties must be understood in relation to one another in order to extract actionable insight.

We regard GIS skills as being core to our work and a critical component of many projects we deliver, including digital twins and mapping. We have deep in-house expertise in complex GIS projects and can provide a range of specialist services. 

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